Brick Barbeque Building

Brick Barbeque Building

Everyone round these parts has a brick barbeque. And they are all identical. Only problem is that we think they are very ugly and also very expensive. As can be seen below. PS the bricks are actually fake so it looks even worse in the flesh.

Solution? Build one myself! Jackie is already in position to direct operations.

I’m ready! Where are the pork chops?

Done! Meanwhile the rest of the gang are resting up…

4 thoughts on “Brick Barbeque Building

  1. Nice to see sunshine and flowers.!
    Oh…and the BBQ looks good too, Richard, chapeau.!

    There is a communal one in my village, all nice and new, but in the style you described. However in the setting it is in[against a xisto-wall], it is actually ok.
    I think this will have to do for my use.


  2. I hope I didn’t offend any of my friends here who have the ‘normal’ ready-made barbeques. Many are fine and of course they do the job. Lets hope yours gets plenty of use.

  3. Nice job with the bricklaying, it looks very professional. I actually own one of those ‘ugly’ barbecues. I found it in a scrap-yard here and picked it up for a song. You’re right it is ugly but I love it, though it isn’t getting much use this summer due to the rain. I have friends in Portugal who have the pre-fabricated ones too. The bricks on ours are fire-bricks, which aren’t very attractive but you can light the fire directly on them.

  4. Hi Brid,
    It’s not getting much use here as our summer has not been up to much either! If it’s the same as last year, however, September to November was great.

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