

The two blokes on site have continued to work hard over the last few weeks and they have now been joined by the electrician/plumber. Together they’ve managed to do some more demolition work. This time inside the house, digging up the ground and chiselling away at the walls finding gaps to put the electric cabling in. Next up will be the plumbing. Although the house was lived in up until a few years ago there is hardly any electric cabling or water supply in the place so everything has been done from scratch.

Meanwhile Jackie’s veggies are sprouting everywhere, led by the spuds. Every day now she is replanting the youngsters from the kindergarten (the cloches and cold frames) into senior school (the raised beds). Also more and more trees are sprouting, including this one to the left of the pond (see photos below). It’s a fruit tree but we have no idea which. There are about 4 or 5 others we are not sure of either – can’t wait to see if they fruit.

There have also been plenty of birds around including some big predators – black kites, buzzards and harriers. Here I snapped a couple of marsh harriers – not over our land but over some marshland not too far from where we live.

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