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Category: Gardening

Garden project 1: the water tank

Garden project 1: the water tank

In many traditional Portuguese houses the ground floor was often used for non-living purposes: keeping animals, storing foodstuffs, making wine etc. The house next to our rented one was full of their produce: onions hanging in plaits from wooden beams, potatoes supported in hessian sacks, wooden boxes full of eggs, buckets and buckets of dried beans; it was choc-a block with goodies and cobwebs. This house, Casa Lima, used the ground floor for making wine. It contained huge wooden barrels,…

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A month in the country

A month in the country

So now that we have settled in, I’m using that term very loosely, our attention has turned to the outside area. We have land front and back of the house which still looks exceedingly scruffy, there’s still some builders’ stuff lying around and mounds of gravel. So perhaps, when we look up in our guide book to identify the plants coming through, we should not be surprised by the phrase occurs especially on wasteland. We also have a lower field….

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